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Showing posts with label deep tissue. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023

Is Deep Tissue Massage Suitable for Everyone? Exploring Contraindications

 Deep tissue massage is a highly beneficial therapy for addressing muscle tension, chronic pain, and improving overall mobility. However, it is important to understand that deep tissue massage may not be suitable for everyone, as there are certain contraindications to consider. Contraindications are specific conditions or situations that may warrant caution or avoidance of deep tissue massage to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual. Here's a description exploring the contraindications associated with deep tissue massage:

Recent Injuries or Surgeries: Individuals who have recently experienced trauma, such as sprains, strains, fractures, or surgeries, may need to avoid deep tissue massage in the affected area. The intense pressure applied during the massage may exacerbate the injury, hinder the healing process, or cause discomfort.

Skin Conditions or Infections: Deep tissue massage involves direct contact with the skin. Therefore, individuals with certain skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, or open wounds, should avoid deep tissue massage in the affected areas. Massage pressure and friction could worsen the condition or lead to further irritation.

Blood Clotting Disorders: People with blood clotting disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications should exercise caution with deep tissue massage. The firm pressure applied during the massage may increase the risk of dislodging a blood clot or causing internal bleeding. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before considering deep tissue massage.

High Blood Pressure or Heart Conditions: Deep tissue massage involves deep pressure, which can temporarily raise blood pressure. Individuals with uncontrolled high blood pressure or certain heart conditions may need to avoid or modify the intensity of deep tissue massage. Consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended to assess the suitability of deep tissue massage in these cases.

Pregnancy: Deep tissue massage is generally not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy. During later stages of pregnancy, it is crucial to work with a massage therapist who specializes in prenatal massage techniques. Deep tissue massage should be modified or avoided in specific areas to ensure the safety and comfort of the expectant mother and her baby.

Certain Medical Conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, or neurological disorders, should consult with their healthcare provider before receiving deep tissue massage. Special considerations and modifications may be necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals with these conditions.

It is essential to disclose your complete medical history, including any existing conditions or medications, to your massage therapist before receiving a deep tissue massage. They will assess your individual circumstances and make appropriate recommendations to ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the treatment.

While deep tissue massage provides numerous benefits, understanding the contraindications is crucial to avoid potential risks. If deep tissue massage is contraindicated for you, your massage therapist may recommend alternative techniques or therapies that are better suited to your specific needs and circumstances. Prioritizing your health and well-being is essential in making informed decisions about the most appropriate massage therapy for you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

What are Some Deep Tissue Massage Techniques?

If you're looking for a more intense massage, deep tissue massage might be the right choice for you. This type of massage uses slow, deliberate strokes to reach the deepest layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles).

Although deep tissue massage can be a bit more painful than other types of massage, the benefits can be well worth it. If you're interested in trying out a few deep tissue techniques, keep reading. We'll outline a few of our favorites below.

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage that is used to treat deep-seated muscle pain and tension. The therapist will use slow, deliberate strokes to reach the deepest layers of muscle. This type of massage can be quite painful, but it is often very effective in relieving pain and restoring range of motion.

Some Deep Tissue Massage Techniques

Technique #1:

Trigger point release: Trigger points are knots of tension in the muscle that can refer to pain in other parts of the body. To release a trigger point, the therapist will use slow, deliberate pressure on the knot until it releases. This type of massage can be quite painful, but it can be very effective in relieving pain and restoring range of motion.

Technique #2:

Myofascial release: This technique is used to release the connective tissue (fascia) that surrounds the muscle. The therapist will use slow, stretching movements to help lengthen and release the fascia. This type of massage can be quite relaxing and is often used to treat chronic pain.

Technique #3:

Swedish massage: Swedish massage is a more gentle type of massage that uses long, smooth strokes to promote relaxation and relieve tension. This is a great choice for someone who is new to massage or looking for a more relaxing experience.

Technique #4:

Active Release Technique. Active Release Technique (ART) is a type of massage that is used to treat soft tissue injuries. The therapist will use short, quick strokes to help break up adhesions in the muscle and promote healing. This type of massage can be quite painful, but it is often very effective in treating injuries.

Technique #5:

Shiatsu: Shiatsu is a type of massage that uses pressure and finger strokes on the acupuncture points of the body. This massage is said to help improve energy flow and promote healing. It can be quite relaxing, but it can also be quite stimulating.

Technique #6:

Reflexology: Reflexology is a type of massage that focuses on the pressure points in the feet and hands. It is said to help promote relaxation and healing in the body. Reflexology is often used as a way to reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

Technique #7:

Cross Fiber Friction: Cross-fiber friction is a type of massage that uses deep, circular motions to promote healing in the muscles and tendons. This type of massage can be quite painful, but it is often very effective in treating injuries.

Technique #8:

Percussion: Percussion is a type of massage that uses short, quick strokes to stimulate the muscles and promote circulation. This type of massage can be quite invigorating and is often used to treat muscle pain.

Technique #9:

Effleurage: Effleurage is a type of massage that uses long, smooth strokes to relax the muscles and promote circulation. This type of massage is very gentle and is often used as a way to relax the body and mind.

Symptoms of taking deep tissue massage:

  • feeling more sensitive than usual
  • feeling sore or achy for a day or two after the massage
  • bruising easily
  • feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • feeling nauseous or sick to your stomach
  • having trouble urinating or having dark urine
  • having headaches or feeling faint

If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to let your therapist know so they can adjust the pressure or technique. Deep tissue massage can be an effective treatment for many different conditions. If you're looking for relief from pain, stiffness, or tension, deep tissue massage may be the right choice for you.

If you're considering trying deep tissue massage, be sure to talk to your doctor first to make sure it's right for you. Deep tissue massage can be an effective treatment for many different conditions, but it may not be appropriate for everyone.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Reduces Stiffness and Releases

The feeling of soreness can be alleviated by getting a deep tissue massage. This type of therapy is beneficial for those who work up quite an appetite during yard work or playing sports, as it helps loosen tight muscles in different parts of your body!

The deeper you press, the more relief your muscles will feel. Firm pressure is also soothing to receptors in the skin so it's often a good idea for people with chronic pain conditions like stiff necks or backs to regularly get this type of massage!

Massages are one of the most common forms of relaxation. A deep tissue massage targets muscles and surrounding tissues, which can be used as a form of treatment for sports injuries or chronic pain in some people.

The therapist will use slow, deep strokes and pressure to reach the deeper layers of muscle tissue.

This type of massage is often used in combination with other forms of therapy, such as physiotherapy, to provide a more holistic approach to treatment.

Deep tissue massage can be beneficial for people who suffer from conditions such as:

  • Chronic back pain

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Sciatica

  • Muscle spasms

If you are experiencing any of these conditions, deep tissue massage may be able to help! Speak to your doctor or a qualified massage therapist to see if this type of therapy is right for you.

The human body is a fantastic machine that can withstand immense pressure. When we feel pain, it's because our nervous system has been overloaded by too much of a good thing - heavy-handedness!

What is a deep tissue massage?

A deep tissue massage is a type of massage that targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is used to release chronic patterns of muscular tension using slow, deep strokes and pressure.

Deep tissue massage is an excellent way to release tension from our bodies. It works by intercepting pain signals before they reach the brain, which reduces neurological activity and relieves discomfort in muscles caused due to painful joints or muscle spasms

This passage talks about how someone can benefit from this form of therapy through reduced tenderness throughout their whole body while also noting any improvements made towards Viking's symptoms after having received several sessions!

Viking had been working out quite a lot lately and as a result, he was feeling very sore all over his body.

He decided to try out deep tissue massage therapy and after just a few sessions, he noticed a significant decrease in the amount of pain he was feeling. Not only that, but his range of motion also increased, making it easier for him to move around.

If you're looking for a way to reduce pain and stiffness, deep tissue massage therapy may be just what you need. Speak to your doctor or a qualified massage therapist to see if this type of therapy is right for you.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Therapy:

May help reduces back pain:

One study found that people with chronic lower back pain who received eight weeks of deep tissue massage therapy had greater improvement in pain symptoms and disability compared to those who did not receive massage therapy.

May help reduces osteoarthritis pain:

A small study found that people with osteoarthritis of the knee who received eight weeks of deep tissue massage had less pain and stiffness compared to those who did not receive massage therapy.

May help reduces fibromyalgia pain:

A small study found that people with fibromyalgia who received 10 weeks of deep tissue massage had less pain and fatigue compared to those who did not receive massage therapy.

May help reduces muscle tension:

A large study found that people who received 10 weeks of deep tissue massage had less muscle tension and anxiety compared to those who did not receive massage therapy.

Deep tissue massage therapy is a great way to reduce pain and stiffness in the body. It can also help to improve range of motion and increase flexibility.

If you are experiencing any of these conditions, speak to your doctor or a qualified massage therapist to see if this type of therapy is right for you.

May reduce high blood pressure:

A small study found that people with high blood pressure who received 10 minutes of deep tissue massage had lower blood pressure compared to those who did not receive massage therapy.

May improve the quality of life for cancer patients:

A large study found that cancer patients who received eight weeks of deep tissue massage had better quality of life scores, including less pain and fatigue, compared to those who did not receive massage therapy.

Deep tissue massage therapy can offer many benefits, including reducing pain and stiffness, improving range of motion, and increasing flexibility.


Deep tissue work is an excellent way to release tension from the muscles.

It can be used on its own, or as a supplement for other types of treatment such as massage therapy and Swedish Massage however, it should not replace them altogether because deep tissue doesn't provide enough sensation while doing so!

Deep tissue massage therapy is a great way to reduce pain, stiffness, and tension in the body. It can also help to improve range of motion and increase flexibility. If you are experiencing any of these conditions, speak to your doctor or a qualified massage therapist to see if this type of therapy is right for you.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Deep tissue massage therapy benefits for blood pressure

 Do you suffer from high blood pressure? If so, you may want to consider deep tissue massage therapy as a treatment option. Recent research has shown that this type of massage can help improve blood pressure levels in some people. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of deep tissue massage for high blood pressure and how to get started.

What is Deep Tissue Massage Therapy?

Deep tissue massage therapy is a type of massage that focuses on the massage of deep layers of muscle and connective tissue in the body. It is often used to treat chronic or persistent pain, as well as muscles that are tight or stiff.

How Does Deep Tissue Massage Work?

Deep tissue massage therapy works by breaking down adhesions in the muscle and connective tissue. This process can help to relieve pain, increase range of motion, and improve blood flow.

What are the Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage for High Blood Pressure?

There are many potential benefits of deep tissue massage for high blood pressure. One of the most well-known is its ability to help lower blood pressure. Research has shown that deep tissue massage can significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in some people.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, deep tissue massage therapy can also help to improve other cardiovascular risk factors. Studies have shown that it can improve heart rate, increase blood flow, and reduce stress hormones.

If you have high blood pressure, deep tissue massage therapy may be a good treatment option for you. Talk to your doctor about whether this type of massage is right for you and ask them to refer you to a qualified massage therapist.

Once you find a therapist that you trust, make sure to communicate your blood pressure levels and any other health concerns you have. This will help ensure that your massage is both safe and effective.

What do the studies say about massage therapy and blood pressure?

A 2017 study found that a single session of Swedish massage therapy can lower blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure. The study also found that Swedish massage can reduce the heart rate and increase blood flow.

A 2016 study looked at the effects of Thai massage on blood pressure. The study found that Thai massage can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

A 2015 study found that a type of massage called “structural integration” can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. The study found that structural integration massage can reduce systolic blood pressure by an average of 9.5 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 6.9 mmHg.

These studies suggest that massage therapy may be a helpful treatment option for people with high blood pressure. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of massage on blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before starting any type of massage therapy. Massage should not be used as a substitute for other medical therapies, such as medication or lifestyle changes. However, it may be a helpful addition to your current treatment plan.

Start with finding a qualified massage therapist that you trust and feel comfortable with. Once you find a therapist, make sure to communicate your blood pressure levels and any other health concerns you have. This will help ensure that your massage is both safe and effective.

Deep tissue massage therapy can be a helpful treatment option for people with high blood pressure. Massage may help to lower blood pressure, improve heart rate, increase blood flow, and reduce stress hormones. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of massage on blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before starting any type of massage therapy.

Massage should not be used as a substitute for other medical therapies, such as medication or lifestyle changes. However, it may be a helpful addition to your current treatment plan. Start with finding a qualified massage therapist that you trust and feel comfortable with. Once you find a therapist, make sure to communicate your blood pressure levels and any other health concerns you have. This will help ensure that your massage is both safe and effective.

Some people with high blood pressure may benefit from deep tissue massage therapy. Studies have shown that deep tissue massage can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in some people. In addition to lowering blood pressure, deep tissue massage therapy can also help to improve heart rate, increase blood flow, and reduce stress hormones.

Tips for your first deep tissue massage:

To ensure that you have a safe and effective massage, it is important to find a qualified massage therapist that you trust and feel comfortable with. Once you find a therapist, make sure to communicate your blood pressure levels and any other health concerns you have.

This will help ensure that your massage is both safe and effective. In addition, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your first deep tissue massage:

• Drink plenty of water before and after your massage to help flush out toxins and reduce inflammation.

• Avoid eating a large meal before your massage, as this can increase blood pressure. Instead, eat a light snack or drink plenty of water.

• If you are feeling pain during the massage, be sure to communicate this to your therapist so they can adjust the pressure and technique.

• After your massage, take some time to relax and rest. You may feel a little sore for the next day or two, but this is normal. Drink plenty of water and avoid strenuous activity to help your body recover.


In other words, we can say that if you are suffering from high blood pressure then deep tissue massage therapy can be a helpful treatment option for people with high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before starting any type of massage therapy.

You can also read:

What Is Deep Tissue Massage Therapy - Uses, Who Can Benefit, Risks?

Deep Tissue Massage Vs Swedish Massage

Monday, April 11, 2022

Deep tissue VS Sport Massage

Massage therapy is a form of alternative medicine that involves the use and manipulation of soft tissues within your body, specifically those found around muscle groups.

There's been research done on how it can help relieve pain as well relax you so we don't have any little "kinks" in our spines when walking upstairs or bending down to tie shoes!

There are different types of massages with various purposes. For example, a deep tissue massage gets its name because it targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue in your body. This is beneficial if you have chronic pain or muscle tension.

A sports massage, on the other hand, is geared more toward athletes or people who exercise frequently.

It can help prevent injuries, improve performance, and speed up recovery time.

Deep tissue massages are a great way to target specific areas of tension and pain within your body. If you have chronic pain or muscle tension, this type of massage can be very beneficial.

A sports massage is geared more toward athletes or people who exercise frequently. It can help prevent injuries, improve performance, and speed up recovery time.

So, which one should you get? It really depends on what your needs are. If you're dealing with pain or tension, a deep tissue massage may be a good choice.

If you're an athlete or exercise regularly, a sports massage may be a better fit. And, of course, you can always ask your massage therapist for their recommendation!

What is deep-tissue massage?

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains or contracted areas such as the stiff neck, low back pain, sore shoulders, leg muscle tightness, and myofascial trigger points (painful knots in muscles).

What is a sports massage?

A sports massage is a type of massage therapy that is geared towards athletes, people who exercise frequently, or anyone with chronic pain. Sports massages are designed to improve athletic performance and recovery time by targeting specific areas of the body that may be causing pain or discomfort.

How do I know which one to choose?

If you're dealing with pain or tension, a deep tissue massage may be a good choice. If you're an athlete or exercise regularly, a sports massage may be a better fit. And, of course, you can always ask your massage therapist for their recommendation!

The key differences between deep tissue and sports massage are:

  • Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue in your body, while a sports massage targets the muscles and connective tissue around specific areas of the body.

  • Deep tissue massage is a good choice if you have chronic pain or muscle tension, while a sports massage is a better choice if you're an athlete or exercise regularly.

  • You can always ask your massage therapist for their recommendation!

Deep tissue massage is good for those looking to treat injuries such as back and neck strains.

The deep pressure treatment can help with soft tissues in your muscles, which will make them feel better sooner than you may think!

A sports massage is good for those who are training for an event or exercise regularly.

The sports massage will help to warm up your muscles before strenuous activity and improve your flexibility. It can also help to prevent injuries by keeping your muscles in good condition!

So, which one should you choose? If you have pain or tension, go for a deep tissue massage.

If you're an athlete or exercise regularly, book a sports massage. And if you're unsure, ask your massage therapist!

When to use deep tissue or sports massage therapy

There is no definitive answer to this question. It really depends on your needs. If you have chronic pain or muscle tension, deep tissue massage may be a good choice for you.

If you're an athlete or exercise regularly, a sports massage may be a better fit. And, of course, you can always ask your massage therapist for their recommendation!


Deep tissue massage and sports massage are both great choices for different people. If you have chronic pain or muscle tension, deep tissue massage may be a good choice for you.

If you're an athlete or exercise regularly, a sports massage may be a better fit. And, of course, you can always ask your massage therapist for their recommendation!

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Is Deep Tissue Massage Suitable for Everyone? Exploring Contraindications

  Deep tissue massage is a highly beneficial therapy for addressing muscle tension, chronic pain, and improving overall mobility. However, i...

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